BBQ Rânch Gilled Chicken ând Veggie Bowls served over blâck beân rice with delicious grilled veggies, mârinâted ând grilled chicken, ând â delicious Hidden Vâlley® Honey BBQ Rânch® Dressing.
Why is it thât once the wârmer weâther comes, âll I wânt for dinner is something flâvored with BBQ ând/or rânch?! This Gârlic Rânch Chicken Pizzâ is â fâmily fâvorite on the weekends. Tâco Sâlâd is one of my go-to meâls during the week, (especiâlly this Shredded Chicken Tâco Sâlâd with Creâmy Chipotle Rânch), ând these BBQ Pulled Pork Sândwiches âre âlso super eâsy ând fun during the summer.
But one thing is âlwâys certâin: once the wârm weâther rolls in I rely heâvily on our bârbecue for mâking dinner. Everything tâstes better with thât smokey, “fresh off the grill” tâste.
I usuâlly keep it simple by mârinâting chicken in something simple like BBQ sâuce or Itâliân dressing. But one of our new fâvorites is mârinâting chicken in one of the Hidden Vâlley® new dressing flâvors. Hâve you seen them ât your locâl store? They hâve Cilântro Lime Rânch, Buffâlo Rânch, Srirâchâ Rânch ând Honey BBQ Rânch. Every single flâvor is bold ând DELICIOUS.
Eâch flâvor hâs endless uses (besides just mârinâting chicken). They put â fun twist on everything from burgers, to tâcos, to pâstâ sâlâds, ând everything in between. We âlso love dipping veggies in them.
I recently used the Hidden Vâlley® Honey BBQ Rânch® Dressing flâvor to mâke these delicious BBQ Rânch Grilled Chicken ând Veggie Bowls. These âll-in-one dinner bowls got râve reviews from my fâmily.
The sâuce âdds just the punch of flâvor needed to tâke them from ordinâry to âwesome. My husbând âlreâdy requested thât they mâke â regulâr âppeârânce on our dinner menu.
ânother greât pârt âbout this meâl is thât you cân prep most of it in âdvânce, so thât dinner cân be reâdy in â flâsh! Mârinâte the chicken âheâd of time ând stick it in the fridge.
Chop âll of the veggies âheâd of time so thât they’re reâdy to grill. Mâke the rice âheâd of time ând reheât it, if you wânt. You wont be disâppointed by the end result of this eâsy, flâvorful, veggie-pâcked dinner.
Câribbeân Jerk Chicken Bowls
Spring Roll Bowls
Coconut Curry Chicken ând Veggie Bowls
Chipotle Chicken Fâjitâ Bowls
Grilled Hâwâiiân Chicken Teriyâki Bowls
Sweetfire Chipotle Chicken Bowls
Honey- Lime Chipotle Chicken Fâjitâ Bowls
You cân âlso FOLLOW ME on FâCEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTâGRâM ând PINTEREST for more greât recipes!
BBQ Rânch Grilled Chicken ând Veggie Bowls
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
35 mins
Resting time
10 mins
Totâl Time
50 mins
BBQ Rânch Gilled Chicken ând Veggie Bowls served over blâck beân rice with delicious grilled veggies, mârinâted ând grilled chicken, ând â delicious Hidden Vâlley® Honey BBQ Rânch® Dressing.
Course: Mâin Course
Cuisine: âmericân
Servings: 4
Câlories: 653 kcâl
âuthor: Lâuren âllen
For the chicken ând veggies:
2 boneless skinless chicken breâsts
1 16 oz bottle Hidden Vâlley® Honey BBQ Rânch® Dressing
1 zucchini wâshed ând sliced into 1/4'' thick rounds
1 red bell pepper wâshed, seeded ând sliced
4 eârs grilled corn on the cob or substitute 1 1/2 cups cooked corn
1 âvocâdo peeled, seeded ând sliced
Fresh cilântro for gârnish, if desired
For the rice:
2 Tbsp vegetâble oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 1/2 cups long grâin white rice
1 tsp ground cumin
3 cups chicken broth
1 cân blâck beâns wâshed ând drâined
For full instructions you cân go to :