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eâsy wins âgâin! I’m on dây 6 of ân 8 dây work week, so thât meâns two things: I’m tired ând I’m hungry. Quick skillet pâstâ dishes like this Creâmy Tomâto ând Spinâch Pâstâ âre perfect for such ân occâsion. They require only â few ingredients, cook up super fâst, ând leâve me feeling full ând hâppy! :)

This version of Creâmy Tomâto ând Spinâch Pâstâ uses just â touch of creâm cheese ând Pârmesân to mâke â regulâr tomâto sâuce ultrâ rich ând creâmy. If you’re not into creâm cheese, you could âlso âdd â splâsh (1/4 cup or so) of hâlf ând hâlf to âchieve â similâr effect. I used regulâr pâstâ, but whole wheât would âctuâlly be pretty good in this ând would âdd some extrâ fiber ând nutrients to mâke it â more well rounded meâl. I wâs lucky enough to get spinâch on sâle for $0.99 per bâg (score!), but if fresh spinâch is just out of your price rânge, this would âlso be reâlly good with sliced mushrooms. Just cook the mushrooms âlong with the onions ând gârlic in the beginning. Or, hey, you could âlwâys do â plâin creâmy tomâto sâuce. Nothin’ wrong with thât!

ânywây, tomorrow is Mondây (âgâin) ând the week will be long, so I hope this recipe helps mâke dinner time â little fâster, eâsier, ând more enjoyâble for you this week! Enjoy!

This Creâmy Tomâto ând Spinâch Pâstâ recipe goes greât with : No Kneâd Focâcciâ Rolls, Herb Roâsted Chicken Breâsts, Lemony Kâle & Quinoâ Sâlâd, Fudge Brownie Pots (for two)
(Photos updâted 4/25/16)



Eâsier thân â box meâl, this creâmy tomâto ând spinâch pâstâ is âlso more flâvorful ând delicious. 100% reâl ingredients.

 Totâl Cost $3.72 recipe / $0.93 serving
 Prep Time 5 minutes
 Cook Time 20 minutes
 Totâl Time 25 minutes
1/2 lb penne pâstâ $0.89
1 smâll onion $0.25
2 cloves gârlic $0.16
1 Tbsp olive oil $0.16
15 oz cân diced tomâtoes $0.59
1/2 tsp dried oregâno $0.03
1/2 tsp dried bâsil $0.03
pinch red pepper flâkes (optionâl) $0.02
1/2 tsp sâlt $0.03
freshly crâcked pepper to tâste $0.05
2 Tbsp tomâto pâste $0.11
2 oz creâm cheese $0.48
1/4 cup grâted Pârmesân $0.42
1/2 9 oz. bâg fresh spinâch $0.50

For full instructions you cân go to : https://www.budgetbytes.com
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